Tuesday, August 25, 2015

why do i want to go ?

i want to go to college because i want top prove myself that i can accomplish that journey. i know  i can graduate. i want to own my house i want to own many places. i want to make big money and give back to my mother. i want her to see that her hard work payed off.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

showcase reflection

i think it was  pretty well organized by everyone who took part in it. I liked this one better then the one we did last semester. its more laid back and less stressing. i th ink i would like to this again it wasn't as bad as everyone thought it would be.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

student led

 my student led conference went pretty good. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. the work that i had to do to put in my folder wasn't a big hassle. it was very easy work nothing complicated.  i have to improve to get all my work done by the time it is needed. i have to stop leaving everything at the last minute.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

leading to the right path

what happens if you lead your life the right way?
"it's not about how to achieve your dreams. it's about how to lead your life. if you lead your life the right way, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. the dreams will come to you."

-if you lead your life the right way you will have many great opportunities as you go. the way you achieve things is the way you will succeed. if your positive and you choose the right things you will find yourself in a great place.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


the importance of setting and achieving goals is that you are accomplishing many things. you're doing it for yourself . for you to be better and to prove yourself how much you can achieve. it makes you a stronger person.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

student led

student led conference was not as bad as i thought. my grades were so far good i can say. it was a very fast process. it didn't take hours to be over. we didn't really have to go to all the classes to talk to all the teachers. i think this is a great way to have conference with parents.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

importance of goals

1. why is it important to set goals ?
- its important to have goals because your working for something your willing to do anything that comes your way to reach your goal or goals.
2. does setting goals help you ? how?
- setting goals may help you try harder. they remind you that you are working and trying to accomplish something.
3.how does it feel when you achieve a goal ?
- it feels good , you feel better about yourself and you feel like your actually succeeding.
4. is it hard to think of goals that you would like to achieve ?
- its not hard, if you want to be someone in life you should know what you want .
5. what strategies might you use to meet your goals?
-you have to make many strategies , think of everything yuo might need to reach your goals.
6. what obstacles might you have to overcome in order to meet your goal?
- an obstacle that may come your way might be negative people, or other material or economic things.
7. what do you think you might need from your classmates or adviser to help you reach your goal ?
- you need positive vibes and positive feed back .