Wednesday, May 15, 2013

online learning part 2

                                    Online learning
                                                                 part 2
More tips
finally, look beyond the article for more clues.
·       Read the websites home page and the about Us page. Look for a mission statement to learn more about the site, its purpose and the organization sponsoring it.
·       If there is an author listed, look for a biography that discusses the author’s education, profession and other relevant background. If there is no bio on the site, search for one elsewhere on the web.
·       Check the date. Facts can change over time, so see if the site shows when it was last updated.
·       Presentation counts; look at everything from design to spelling. A clean, well- organized site shows a certain degree of professionalism.
·         Avoid sites that are pornographic, vulgar, inappropriate, below par, suggestive, and falsifying.

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