Tuesday, September 3, 2013


1. What expectations do you have for this school year? 
My expectations for this school year are to have at least A's or B's for every class. Another expectation i have is to get a 4.0 GPA.
2. Which class do you think will be the most rigorous (difficult)?
The class that will be most difficult would be geography, another one would be world history and biology.
3. Which can you do to make sure you succeed in the difficult class? 
I will try my best and pay attention every day in class, and not miss any class or homework we have. I will try to get extra credit.
4. Which class do you think will be the most enjoyable?
- The class that I would enjoy the most would be Spanish and English.
5. What are some of your everyday tasks in difficult classes?
- One of my tasks is to write down all the notes, and don’t get distracted.
6. Which are you good at and which do you need to work on?
. -  I am good at taking notes, and I need to work on focusing and not get distracted
7. Grades are coming out in two weeks . . . how do you feel you are doing? What can you do to keep your grade up or better your grades?
- I feel like I’m failing at least three classes, I feel like I’m not doing so good right now, to put up my grades I have to turn in all my missing work.

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